Who is Cecil B. Moore
Cecil Bassett Moore was born April 2, 1915. He is originally from West Virginia. Following his service as a marine corps sergeant in World War Two, Cecil B moved to Philadelphia. He studied law at Temple University. His interest in law, service in the military and desire to help others, made him a prominent advocate for poor working class African Americans in North Philly. He became one of the top criminal lawyers in Philadelphia at the time. During his time helping the members of the Philadelphia community, Cecil B. Moore became the president of the NAACP chapter of Philadelphia. His major accomplishment was the desegregation of Girard College in 1964. His fight for equality allowed for opportunities that stemmed from his activism. His passion in life was helping others and his work lingers on to inspire new generations.
L. Longevity
Cecil B. Moore was a prominent activist during his life in Philadelphia. Studying Law at Temple University and serving as a criminal lawyer exposed him to problems he needed to help fix. He was known to serve poor African Americans from North Philadelphia. His Civil Rights activism led him to become the President of the Philadelphia NAACP chapter. Cecil B. Moore was a man of his community and fought against discrimination. His goal was to empower the community through education of the importance of voting. Educating how to register and the importance of a vote empowered the people of Philadelphia.
O. Organizing
The push for equality, Moore’s civil right activist led him to fight for the desegregation of Girard College. His leadership helped him spread the message and organize demonstrations. He fought against workplace discrimination at construction sites, but most notably led the fight to desegregate the college. His organizing helped new students of color to attend this school and gain a higher education. Cecil B. Moore was known as the “Lion of North Philadelphia” His time as a criminal lawyer and activist led him to be the president of the NAACP and later becoming a city council member. Cecil B was a maverick of the city. Starting his term as president of the Philadelphia chapter in 1962 bringing in over 30 thousand new members of the NAACP. His reach and ability to organize change for new opportunities is seen through his values and lasting influence on the community of Philadelphia.
V. Values
Cecil B. Moore was known as a no-nonsense kind of man and lived by the quote “You can’t live in this world unless you help somebody” This man’s life was dedicated to helping others, specifically the ones experiencing inequality and discrimination. His mission in life was to help guarantee others would live a good life. His civil rights activism cultivated with his work as the president of the NAACP. His work included the desegregation of Girard College, fighting against police brutality, and fighting for greater representation of African Americans in politics. “The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination” The values of the NAACP mirrors Cecil B. Moore’s of helping others is the only worthy way to live. The fight Cecil B. Moore fought prevailed today and allows for a society filled with people asking related questions to the ones he asked.
E. Equality
Following the 43 anniversary of his death this year on February 13th, we look around at the world Cecil B. Moore left behind. Today’s Philadelphia NAACP celebrates the work of African Americans. On February 26th, the Philly Branch hosted a viewing party for the 53rd NAACP Image Awards at the African American Museum in Philadelphia. During Black history month it is important to learn about historical figures that shape the present so we can celebrate the accomplishments of today’s artists. Cecil B. Moore was a humanitarian who fought for people that experienced inequality and discrimination. His efforts shaped the city of Philadelphia. The Cecil B. Moore subway station reflects the impact his work had on the city of brotherly love. To learn more about the Philadelphia NAACP Branch on the history of the branch and upcoming events the link to it and other resources are found below: